Gerund (going) (elementary)

Gerund (going) (intermediate)

  • exercise 1: choose the correct form of the gerund
  • exercise 2: change the sentence so that it uses a gerund

Using the gerund after certain verbs (elementary)

  • exercise 1: fill in the correct form of the gerund and de simple present
  • exercise 2: choose the correct form

Gerund or to-infinitive

  • exercise 1: choose the gerund or to-infinitive
  • exercise 2: fill in the gerund or to-infinitive
  • exercise 3: various exercises for practising the choice between the gerund and to-infinitive
  • exercise 4: choose the gerund or to-infinitive
  • exercise 5: choose the gerund or to-infinitive
  • exercise 6: choose the gerund or to-infinitive
  • exercise 7: decide whether the sentence uses the gerund or to-infinitive construction correctly
  • exercise 8: decide if the verbs are followed by a verb in the gerund or in the infinitive form
  • exercise 9: fill in the gerund or to-infinitive

verb + object + to infinitive structure

  • exercise 1: fill in the correct verb + object + to infinitive structure

for + noun/pronoun + infinitive structure

  • exercise 1: choose the correct ‘for + noun/pronoun + infinitive’ structure
  • exercise 2: rewrite the sentence as a ‘for + noun/pronoun + infinitive’ structure