How to form the Future Continuous tense and how to use it correctly.


will bepresent participle (This time tomorrow I will be seeing my parents.)


  • something will have started before some point in the future and will probably carry on after it. (That beech tree will still be standing there a hundred years from now.)
  • future without intention: something that will happen in the ordinary course of events. (I’ll be working on Sunday as usual.)


Future Continuous

Future Continuous and Future Simple

Future Continuous and Future Perfect Continuous (will have been + present participle)

  • exercise 1: choose the correct tense
  • exercise 2: fill in the correct verb form of the future continuous, future perfect and the future perfect continuous
  • exercise 3: fill in the correct verb form
  • exercise 4: fill in the correct verb form
  • exercise 5: choose the correct tense

Future Continuous and Future Perfect (will have + past participle)

Useful pages

  • exercises for practising the future simple (I will go)
  • exercises for practising will, shall, won’t, shan’t
  • exercises for practising to be going to
  • exercises for practising the future perfect (I will have gone)
  • exercises for practising the future perfect continuous (I will have been going)
  • exercises for practising 4 future forms or more