Grammar exercises about various subjects
Nouns and everything related to them
- A / an / the
- Adverb and adjective (slow / slowly)
- Degrees of comparison (-er / -est and more / most)
- Singular and plural / countable and uncountable
- Possessives ‘s / s’ / of
- Some / any
- Demonstrative pronouns (this / that / these /those)
- Interrogative pronoun (who / what / which, etc.)
- Personal pronouns (I / me / you / he / him, etc.)
- Possessive pronouns (my / mine / of mine etc.)
- Relative pronouns (who(m) / whose / which / that, etc)
- Reflexive pronouns (myself / yourself, etc)
Quantifiers, numbers and time
- Cardinal numbers, ordinal numbers and the date
- Few / a few / little / a little
- Much / many / a lot of
- Telling the time